
Polyphem und Galateia nach Retusche (Ausschnitt) © Pia Geusau
Polyphem and Galateia after retouching (image detail) © Pia Geusau


The collection of paintings in the Lehár Villa is characterized by diversity and high quality. The chronological framework of the collection ranges from the Gothic period to the 20th century, although the focus of the collection can be dated to the 19th century.

The painting surface of the paintings is diverse. There are portraits on wood, cardboard, canvas, and metal. The decorative frames of the paintings also show a wide variety of materials and shapes.

In the recording and categorization of the stock, staining was found primarily, but also paint layer or frame lifts as well as infestation by microorganisms and insect pests. Cracks in canvases or wooden panels as well as stress losses in the textile image carriers were found as mechanical challenges.




The extent of damage to the pictures was classified for each picture and frame and the need for action was defined according to this classification. 24 of the 107 paintings required extensive processing in the workshop, while other paintings were subject to on-site care measures.

A special feature in terms of original hanging, extent of damage, and dimensions is the painting “Polyphemus and Galateia”. The large-scale mythological depiction of the lovesick cyclops and the beautiful nymph was nailed directly to the wall, showed considerable damage to the paint layer and a gray coating.


Executed by: Carmen Krisai Chizzola und Pia Geusau